Lockdown Daze # 13


So we’re in lockdown, with all the time in the world to make art.   YAY. !!!

Getting a  bit of free space in my art room now that I have had a good shuffle of the materials on the bench.  Trying out some new techniques, and some old ones which are still unique to my process.  This is smallish, on heavy paper which is a common way of working at the moment.  Gesso, paint, rubbing back, stencil etc.  I like the way the underpainting shows through in patches, and I am loving the orange – a GO FAST colour for the best of times.

I’m not expecting to do one of these every day of the lockdown, but today was cruisey and peaceful.

Lockdown Daze # 13

A Changing World

It’s times like this that we need all the art inspiration we can get…………..and give.

KIA KAHA    to all my artist friends out there.

a small surprise

Not much happening in this mid-summer heat.

A few hours of collage and play, and look what you get.  Overlaid on a canvas that has already had a few lives.  I’m liking it………………………..but is it finished?

small surprise

No. 2-20

Layered acrylic paint , gesso, graphite, and lots of sanding back, all on heavy watercolour paper.  Working small so as not to waste materials, and feeling OK about not having expectations of a finished painting at all.
black box

A Year in the Wilderness

2019 was a  “mixed up muddled up shook up world” with very little to show for it. Highs and lows in all areas.  Roll on 2020.

In order to get some traction I have started on a new path of markmaking.  An ongoing tutored workshop in 3 stages  –  first to play,  then explore and finally, to clarify.  Good things will hopefully come out of this, and at least give me the impetus to keep making marks.

Looking for a bolthole

There comes a time when a quiet place for contemplation is a necessity.  There is the bush, the stream, birdlife,   –  I am surrounded by these things. Nature gives of her peacefulness so that we can recharge our creative batteries.

I’m looking for a space to call my own for next year, where I can make a mess and it won’t matter.  Leave half finished work on the floor and not have to clear it away.  Be enthused to take on a new challenge of painting the life I have lived, if that is possible.   Have to wait and see.





Starting Over

in the pink remakeA new  take on an oldie  – getting over the pain of covering something that has been with me for a while.  Actually it’s quite cathartic to do this. Back when I was working in watercolour a long time ago,  when the time came to tear those up and collage them into other works, it felt  good, useful and fresh.  Gives them another life.  This is work on board 900 mm  x  600 mm and now has several layers of acrylic, paper and irridescent medium scraped and smoothed over the surface.

An Indoorsy Kind of Day…



Waikino Station interior  It was a bleak Friday when our Plein Air group visited the local historic train station at Waikino,  Southern Coromandel.  A few chose to sit on the wind-blown station platform while others huddled inside by the fire.  The building is not the original one, but was trucked in from up the line at Paeroa years ago.  A tourist train now operates from Waihi town to this station.  This is a painting of the bullion store located beside the fireplace.

On Show at Maddox

Current Exhibition
Layout at Maddox Jewellers

For the months of August and September Unlimited Palette will be showing their works at Maddox Jewellers in the main street of Katikati, Bay of Plenty, right on SH 2.  Stop for a look and maybe cross the road to relax with a coffee at the Talisman Restaurant

July ….. and reinventing the (colour) wheel

This week Creative Waikato held a meet-up in our town to gauge the level of interest from local visual artists, wanting more connection with the wider Waikato arts picture.  Not sure how widely the message was broadcast but only a few people turned up.  This small number could hardly qualify as representative of the breadth of visual artists working in the Hauraki district.

It appears the Hauraki District Council has passed over the job of updating it’s Arts, Culture and Heritage policy, to those who work for Creative Waikato, which in turn is funded by Trust Waikato.  Interesting. If the new policy is taken on board, who will help continue and maintain it.  What will be the outcomes for our district?  Will there be anyone on the Council or local boards, who “gets” what the arts are all about.  There’s talk of covering “the well-beings” and tourism, and youth involvement. Is that a directive from central government on how to spend the funding ?

It has long been agreed, that what is needed here is a central hub for the town, where artists can meet, set up working studios, engage with the public, run  workshops, sell their art, and generally be part of the scene around the arts and so provide for the well-being of locals, offer interactive events for tourists, and encourage young people to get involved.

More dialogue is needed:  contact Craig McClure  at www.creativewaikato.co.nz